1. Make sure you PUT ON YOUR BLINKER. This way the drivers behind you can realize what you are doing and adjust accordingly. Don’t get frazzled if you see cars approaching behind you. Just remain CALM.
  2. Pull up beside the car in front of the space. You should be exactly beside them and your mirrors should be aligned.
  3. Turn the wheel all the way to the right and back up keeping an eye on your right side view mirror.
  4. Stop backing up as soon as you can no longer see the car parked in the space behind you in your right mirror.
  5. Straighten the wheel out and back straight back until the front of the car can clear the back bumper of the front car.
  6. Turn the wheel all the way to the left and continue backing into the space.
  7. Once you’re in the spot straighten your wheels out and make sure you leave about equal room in front and behind your car.
  8. Practice makes perfect. Keep at it until you can do it with your eyes closed. (sarcasm obviously)

Note:If you need to get a bit closer to the curb remember that each time you scoot forward or back you will have to turn the wheel and straighten it out with each back and forth. If you don’t you will be repeating the same motions over and over which will lead to frustration.